Monday, May 2, 2011

4 days until Africa!

Hello all.

I am finally getting down to the last few days before I leave for Africa! I am both extremely excited and quite anxious. I just got off of my conference call with the other volunteers and my Program Manager and it really helped me feel more secure about what I need to do before I leave. I still have to prepare for the weather (really rainy) and get a few more things for my 3 month stay. I am really looking forward to working with the children there. My placement is in the Karanga preschool/orphanage. I will be working with 37 three to seven year old children and trying to help them get ready for grade school! I am so excited for that. I am not sure what to expect, so for now my expectations are that it will be difficult at first and sometimes confusing, but also very wonderful and memorable. I will miss everyone here so much, but I know that this is going to be worth it! Keep thinking of me all and all the support I have been getting is really encouraging :)

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